Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We don’t do penis enlargement, but after using our product you should be able to sustain an erection long enough. The saying that “it is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog” applies here.

Yes, our product has proven to solve even pre-mature ejaculation originating from practicing masturbation.

Our product is supposed to work after 3 days of daily use, but some users have reported results as early as day one. We recommend waiting up to 3 days if you don’t see results earlier.

The first round will still be short – that’s normal and no reason for concern – but you should be able to do 15 minutes and beyond during the second round, and much longer during the third. Some users have reported struggling to finish during the third round so that’s how good it can get.

No, our product doesn’t have any reported any side effects.

Yes, you can continue having sex during the 3 days but we recommend waiting until after the three days before assessing yourself.

No, our product only solves pre-mature ejaculation and wont help with a low sperm count. We recommend you see a relevant medical professional.